Implementation of the information you are studying is when the real change happens.

Elevitality Group Mentoring is designed to help you develop positive, profound, permanent change in any area of your life, by helping you to implement, at a high level, the information shared in Master Your Mind
 from great teachers like James Allen, Thomas Troward, Genevieve Behrend, Robert Collier, Bob Proctor, Wallace Wattles, Dolores Cannon, Maxwell Maltz, Raymond Hollywell, Robert Russell, Helena Blavasky, Esther Hicks, Neville Goddard and many more.

Clarify your goal with absolute precision! 

A weak goal generates weak results. A goal you haven’t thought through, or worse, aren’t aware of, could deliver exactly what you don’t want. But a worthy goal, joyfully formed and articulately expressed, is the first and most critical step toward creating the results you want.

Install your goal at the deepest levels of your mind.

Every outcome you experience in your life, good and bad, is the direct result of your thoughts – those you’re conscious of and, more importantly, those you aren’t. Align your conscious and subconscious mind in service of your worthy goal, and it will materialize with amazing speed.

Harmonize your goal with the natural laws of the universe.

The universe is alive with forces designed to deliver to you whatever you truly desire. Harmonize your clearly, fully aligned goal with the natural flow of these forces, then prepare yourself for an influx of opportunity and abundance unlike anything you’ve experienced before.

Receive Immediate Impact

You won’t have to wait for the benefits of this remarkable way of thinking to kick in. Because it engages your mind at both the conscious and subconscious level, your mind will start absorbing and responding to this information as soon as it receives it. In fact, you will experience a quantum leap in your results from the FIRST MOMENT you begin this journey.

Experience Strategic Repetition

The impact of the process is maximized via the power of repetition — the first and most important law of learning — which causes a fundamental alteration of the mental processes that create your results. Through this targeted repetition, you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY form the habits that lead to long-term prosperity and abundance.

Learn Lifelong Application

With each new goal you realize, you’ll find yourself aspiring to ever-higher levels of achievement and fulfillment. Your desire to be, do, and have more never should and never will diminish — and neither will the power of this system. With it, you will permanently possess the power to get ANYTHING you truly want, in any area of your life, for the rest of your life.

Through Elevitality Group Mentoring, you will be guided with the help of Dolly Alessandra, Troy  Chadwick and Lillian Victoria to implement the principles that lead to outcomes you desire.

The in-depth mentorship sessions focus intensively on the essential elements of the achievement process, with each lesson building upon the insights of the last.

Through Elevitality Group Mentoring, you will be guided with the help of Dolly Alessandra and Troy  R. Chadwick to implement the principles that lead to outcomes you desire.

The in-depth mentorship sessions focus intensively on the essential elements of the achievement process, with each lesson building upon the insights of the last.


🔸 Live Group Coaching/Consulting Sessions, 60-90 minutes each week for 12 Months, give you the encouragement, support, answers, and expert guidance you need to keep moving forward on your journey to achievement. 

🔸 Access To All Recorded Mentorship Sessions.

🔸 Work Closely With Us To Clarify Your Goal.

🔸 INCREDIBLE Accountability.

🔸 Membership In A Private Community.

🔸 Masterminding with Like Minded People. People just like you what have great attitudes, a strong desire for much more, wide open minds, who are ready, willing and able to invest in themselves.

🔸 Access to swift personal "Attitude Adjustment" calls.

🔸 Special Offers Only Available to Members.

🔸 If Applied, A NEW YOU!

Our Mentorship isn't for everyone. It's reserved for those who possess an open mind and are willing to pay the price for the transformative change they seek in their lives. That's why we have a selective application process for individuals interested in working with us.

Mentorship is a journey that requires dedication, courage, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. It's about embracing vulnerability and being open to growth and development in every aspect of your life.

Our application process is designed not only to assess your readiness but also to guide you on the path to becoming ready. We're here to support you, to challenge you, and to empower you to unleash your full potential.

We encourage you to submit your application with an open heart and mind, allowing yourself to be vulnerable in the process. By doing so, you'll enable us to serve you in the most meaningful and effective way possible.

Together, let's embark on this journey of transformation and empowerment. Your willingness to take this first step is a testament to your readiness for change, and we're here to help you every step of the way.